Our company Sashpet Ltd, manufacturers of Sashi's Treats pet treats was recently awarded SQF Certification*!
So what is SQF and why did Sashpet go for this certification?
As our company grew from a one-woman operation hand cutting individual treats in an apartment kitchen to a fully-staffed, semi-automated small factory facility, we knew that our systems and protocols HAD to change.
To ensure the continued safety and quality of our products and to mitigate against any food safety risks, Sashpet implemented an internationally recognised food safety system, based on a particular set of Safe Quality Food (SQF) standards (in our case, the SQF Fundamentals for Manufacturing - Intermediate)
Our entire pet treat manufacturing process (from the selection of raw materials, to calibration of our key pieces of equipment, in-house swabbing & testing of our food contact surfaces to verify cleanliness, the delivery of the finished products, staff training, implementation of a HACCP program, plus many, many, MANY more key areas) is governed by a comprehensive set of procedures, protocols, policies and schedules - all to ensure a safe, quality product for our pet pals!
Sashpet underwent a comprehensive 2-day audit exercise for certification and we are proud to say that we are a certified SQF site!
We would like to big up our awesome Sashpet team, without whom we would have not been able to achieve this feat!
We also want to thank M.A.B. Food Safety Consultancy, our SQF Consultant who helped us to get our facility up to code in record time and who made this certification possible!
We would also like to mention that this certification exercise was made possible by funding (via grant) from the European Union (in conjunction with the Caribbean Export)**.
We are committed to the ongoing improvement of our food safety systems to ensure a safe quality treat for our pets - because pets are part of the family and deserve the best!
**N.B. Funding provided by the 11th EDF Regional Private Sector Development Programme Direct Support Grants Programme. The views expressed in this blog are those of the author and do not reflect those of the Direct Support Grants Programme.
Behind the scenes at the Sashpet manufacturing facility.